Enrollment and registration

Watch the video “Aanmelden en inschrijven basisschool” produced by Amsterdam City Council.  


Attending primary school for the first time

When a child turns four years old, they can start primary school. At almost all primary schools in Amsterdam, the registration and allocation of the places is done in the same way.

Registering for a primary school

Around your child's third birthday, you will receive the registration form for primary school from the Amsterdam City Council and a brochure explaining the enrollment process/policy. You register your child by handing in this registration form to your preferred school (first choice).

Priority school

Each child has priority to the eight nearest (participating) primary schools. These schools are determined by the walking distance between a child's official home address and the school. You can check whether our school is a priority school for your child by entering your child's home address and date of birth at schoolwijzer.amsterdam.nl.

What do you have to do?

If our school is your first choice, please submit the original registration form (not a copy or scan) completed and signed to us. Even if an older sibling is already attending our school, it is necessary for you to submit this form to us. We will then process your registration to ensure your child participates in the urban placement procedure.

After places have been allocated, we will inform you if your child can enroll in our school. After that, you can register your child with us. More information about registration and enrolment can be found in our school guide.

More information

You can contact the helpdesk of the Joint School Boards (the BBO) with any further questions via telephone +31 (0)20 716 3801 or email toelatingsbeleid@bboamsterdam.nl. You can also find more information on available capacity and past placements on their website: bboamsterdam.nl.

If our school is your first choice, please submit the original registration form (not a copy or scan) completed and signed to us. Even if an older sibling is already attending our school, it is necessary for you to submit this form to us. We will then process your registration to ensure your child participates in the urban placement procedure.

After places have been allocated, we will inform you if your child can enroll in our school. After that, you can register your child with us. More information about registration and enrolment can be found in our school guide.

More information

You can contact the helpdesk of the Joint School Boards (the BBO) with any further questions via telephone +31 (0)20 716 3801 or email toelatingsbeleid@bboamsterdam.nl. You can also find more information on available capacity and past placements on their website: bboamsterdam.nl.